Thursday, August 7, 2008

9 days old - Setth meets Grandma Soun & Auntie Pony

Setth is up and he is hungry....again? He just ate and hour ago. Let's try the binky.

He was hungry. After a full belly, Setth decides to take a nap.

Setth gets a nice, warm bath. Why is mommie getting me all cleaned up....he wonders. Watch him suck on those tiny fingers..he is hungry again!

OK...a little catnap, please. he must know that he needs to save his energy for what is coming up next.

Just as he was in the middle of a colorful dream, Setth has to meet yet another Grandma? This time, it is Grandma Soun from the Lao side. Seth is so tired from all that...eating earlier that he can hardly stay up.

And who is this pretty young lady that resembles his mother? It's his Auntie Pony from San Francisco! She is here for the holidays and to see his cousin Ethan, who is his other Auntie Vongmaly's baby, born 5 weeks earlier.

After such a long day, Setth sleeps peacefully in Grandma's Soun's arms while mommie and daddy take a break. Actually mommie is making dinner and daddy is watching the game.


Somchit said...

thats so cute

Jaclyn said...

this might sound really weird... but I have been trying to track down Pony for a long time.. we are good friends from high school.. I know she moved to San Fran... but I have not been able to find her online until I saw this pic. :) Could you give her my information?

Jaclyn Hawtin