Thursday, August 7, 2008

3 days old - Setth gets jaundice

Poor Setth! He finally gets to come home from the hospital to meet his brother, sister and Grandpa - only to return to the hospital 3 days later. We brought him to his 3 day check-up and was told he was very jaundiced and had to be admitted for treatment. We were so concerned about him, but he was so good and so calm during the whole ordeal. They put him under a blue light for the entire time we were there. Fortunately, his jaundice level decreased significantly and he only stayed one overnight. We were scared to death, but all that time, Setth seemed to really enjoy himself and even took the opportunity to 'sunbathe'.

Of course, it helped to brighten up things when his Grandma Barbara drove down from California to meet her new grandson for the first time. Boy! Setth sure had a very busy weekend!

1 comment:

Somchit said...

" look at my cool shades.