Monday, August 11, 2008

Just hanging out - Jan. 03, 2008

Trying to take a nap, but mom has me dressed funny again. Must be a gift from someone. Yep - it's from Dad's co-worker, Vicki. How did she know that I love Winnie the Pooh? Lukcy guess.

Happy New Year - Jan. 02, 2008

Still haven't decided whether I like this place...or the people.....especially the wierd one they call 'mom'. Dad seems pretty mellow. Soudara and Somchit - they take after 'mom'. How do I get outta here?
Still here......

Just adorable with pointy ears - Dec. 29, 2007

Aren't I just adorable? Where did I get those pointy ears? From my Grandpa Mike Benchoff!

Dec. 27, 2007 - Hiding out

Do I have to come out? It scary out there! I think I'll stay in this fuzzy-bear baby wrap until Spring!
Catching a few zzzz's.

More holiday Setth

Isn't this just the cutest sewater on him? I am not sure if he agrees, he looks like he is really thinking about it, look how he moves thoses brows!
Alright, he's Ok with it if mommie likes it! This is 3 month size outfit - Setth is only about 2 weeks old. It is a little big, but not by much, Setth was a very long and lean baby!

12 days old - Day after X-mas

Setth is the best Christmas present ever!
He keeps trying to nap, but mommie keeps taking photos!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

9 days old - Setth meets Grandma Soun & Auntie Pony

Setth is up and he is hungry....again? He just ate and hour ago. Let's try the binky.

He was hungry. After a full belly, Setth decides to take a nap.

Setth gets a nice, warm bath. Why is mommie getting me all cleaned up....he wonders. Watch him suck on those tiny fingers..he is hungry again!

OK...a little catnap, please. he must know that he needs to save his energy for what is coming up next.

Just as he was in the middle of a colorful dream, Setth has to meet yet another Grandma? This time, it is Grandma Soun from the Lao side. Seth is so tired from all that...eating earlier that he can hardly stay up.

And who is this pretty young lady that resembles his mother? It's his Auntie Pony from San Francisco! She is here for the holidays and to see his cousin Ethan, who is his other Auntie Vongmaly's baby, born 5 weeks earlier.

After such a long day, Setth sleeps peacefully in Grandma's Soun's arms while mommie and daddy take a break. Actually mommie is making dinner and daddy is watching the game.

8 days old - Setth looks at the world around him

Setth gets a kiss from mommie.
Setth throws his first tantrum. Is this a Benchoff or Sirimanivong behavior trait? He is mad because mommie made him wear blue mits AND blue shoes. He says that his Grandpa is visiting and Grandpa doesn't like the color blue.

Isn't this just the sweetest face ever? How can Daniel ever say 'no' to this little angel?

Brand New moments

3 days old - Setth gets jaundice

Poor Setth! He finally gets to come home from the hospital to meet his brother, sister and Grandpa - only to return to the hospital 3 days later. We brought him to his 3 day check-up and was told he was very jaundiced and had to be admitted for treatment. We were so concerned about him, but he was so good and so calm during the whole ordeal. They put him under a blue light for the entire time we were there. Fortunately, his jaundice level decreased significantly and he only stayed one overnight. We were scared to death, but all that time, Setth seemed to really enjoy himself and even took the opportunity to 'sunbathe'.

Of course, it helped to brighten up things when his Grandma Barbara drove down from California to meet her new grandson for the first time. Boy! Setth sure had a very busy weekend!

2 days old - Setth goes home

Setth meets big brother Somchit, who just turned 10 years old a few weeks ago, for the first time. Look - they have the same big cheeks!

Setth meets big sister Soudara, 12 years old, for the first time. Is Setth thinking what I'm thinking? Built-in babysitter!
He meets Grandpa Mike, too - but I am having trouble downloading that picture. I'll keep working on it.

Dec. 14, 2007 - Setth was born

Welcome to the world Michael Setthirat Sirimanivong Benchoff! Wow - what a mouthful. This kids will have a difficult time during roll call at school for sure.
Born December 14, 2007
6.9 pounds
20 inches long
Mommy was crazy and had a natural birth - but after seeing this beautiful little face, she knew it was all worth the pain.